v0.5. Varios cambios internos y dos cambios visibles: una checkbox que estaba un poco loca, y la granularidad del slider. Disfruten!
v0.5. Several internal changes and two visible ones: a checkbox that was a bit weird, and the slider granularity. Enjoy!
KSIntegration.js v0.5 - Image integration with kappa-sigma clipping.
Copyright (C) 2007 David Serrano, Juan Conejero
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// TODO: write a tutorial
#include <pjsr/Sizer.jsh>
#include <pjsr/FrameStyle.jsh>
#include <pjsr/NumericControl.jsh>
#include <pjsr/TextAlign.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdButton.jsh>
#include <pjsr/StdIcon.jsh>
#include <pjsr/ColorSpace.jsh>
#include <pjsr/SampleType.jsh>
#include <pjsr/UndoFlag.jsh>
#feature-id KSIntegration
#feature-info Implementation of image combination using kappa-sigma \
method for rejecting hotpixels. Needs that the images to be combined \
are previously loaded in the application. They must have the same size \
and bit depth. Generates a new image with the result of the combination.
// #feature-icon KSIntegration.xpm
#define VERSION "0.5"
function kappa_sigma_engine() {
this.kappa = 2.0;
this.imgIDs = new Array;
this.views = new Array;
// Populates the views array.
this.load = function() {
var N = this.imgIDs.length;
this.views.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
this.views.push (new View (this.imgIDs[i]));
// Performs an iterative kappa-sigma clipping of a pixel set.
this.clip = function (set) {
var stddev;
var mean;
var delta;
var low;
var high;
var result;
// Fill a temporary array with the values that are inside the range
// specified by kappa. If it ends up the same size as the original
// one (or if it gets too small), exit. If not, them some values
// were deleted, so reset the original to not include the deleted
// ones, and start over again.
while (1) {
stddev = Math.stddev (set);
mean = Math.avg (set);
delta = this.kappa * stddev;
low = mean - delta;
high = mean + delta;
result = new Array; // temp array
for (var i = 0, n = set.length; i < n; ++i) {
var v = set[i];
if (v >= low && v <= high)
result.push (v);
// Need at least 3 items to calculate a meaningful standard deviation
if (result.length < 3)
return set;
// if lengths of both sets are equal, all elements are ok: all done
if (result.length == set.length)
return result;
set = result; // reset the work set with the elements that survived
// Performs a kappa-sigma integration of the selected views.
this.combine = function() {
var N = this.views.length;
if (N < 3)
throw Error ("At least three images are required for kappa-sigma integration.");
var imgs = new Array (N);
var w = 0;
var h = 0;
var n = 0;
var bps = 0;
var real = false;
// initialization of vars and error checking
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (this.views[i].isNull) // redundant but harmless
throw Error ("Nonexistent view: " + this.views[i].fullId);
imgs[i] = this.views[i].image;
// first pass: initialize vars; next passes: check properties consistency
if (i == 0) {
w = imgs[i].width;
h = imgs[i].height;
n = imgs[i].numberOfChannels;
} else {
if (imgs[i].width != w || imgs[i].height != h || imgs[i].numberOfChannels != n)
throw Error ("Incongruent image dimension(s): " + this.views[i].fullId);
bps = Math.max (bps, imgs[i].bitsPerSample);
real = real || (imgs[i].sampleType != SampleType_Integer);
var dstimg = new Image (w, h, n,
(n != 1) ? ColorSpace_RGB : ColorSpace_Gray,
real ? SampleType_Real : SampleType_Integer);
dstimg.statusEnabled = true;
dstimg.initializeStatus (format ("Integrating %u images", N), w*h);
// now, after creating a new image, traverse the ones to be combined and
// calculate the value for every pixel in every channel
var clipped;
var nclipped = 0;
var pixels = new Array (N);
for (var iy = 0; iy < h; iy++) {
for (var ix = 0; ix < w; ix++) {
for (var ic = 0; ic < n; ic++) {
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
pixels[i] = imgs[i].sample (ix, iy, ic);
clipped = this.clip (pixels);
dstimg.setSample (Math.avg (clipped), ix, iy, ic);
if (clipped.length < N)
nclipped += N - clipped.length;
dstimg.advanceStatus (w);
console.writeln (format ("Clipped %u pixels from a total of %u (%.2f%%).",
nclipped, h*w*n*N, 100.0*nclipped / (h*w*n*N)));
var window = new ImageWindow (1, 1, n, bps, real,
dstimg.colorSpace != ColorSpace_Gray,
format ("kappa_sigma_%.0f", 100.0 * this.kappa));
var view = window.mainView;
view.beginProcess (UndoFlag_NoSwapFile); // do not generate any swap file
view.image.transfer (dstimg);
window.zoomToFit (false); // don't zoom in
var engine = new kappa_sigma_engine();
function kappa_sigma_dialog() {
this.__base__ = Dialog;
// ----- HELP LABEL
this.helpLabel = new Label (this);
this.helpLabel.frameStyle = FrameStyle_Box;
this.helpLabel.margin = 4;
this.helpLabel.wordWrapping = true;
this.helpLabel.useRichText = true;
this.helpLabel.text = "<b>KSIntegration v"+VERSION+"</b> - A script to integrate " +
"a set of images by the iterative kappa-sigma rejection method.<br>" +
"Select the views to be combined and choose the kappa value desired. " +
"Then click 'Ok' and wait for a new image to be created.";
// if all images are checked, check the "All images" checkbox; else, uncheck it
// ditto previews
this.updateCBs = function() {
// start with both marked to be checked and enter a loop
// if an unckecked image/preview is found, mark the corresponding
// checkbox to be unchecked.
var imagesCBstatus = true;
var previewsCBstatus = true;
var nimages = 0;
var npreviews = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.dialog.target_List.numberOfChildren; i++) {
var n = this.dialog.target_List.child (i);
if (-1 == n.text (0).indexOf ("->")) { // it's an image
if (false == n.checked)
imagesCBstatus = false;
} else { // it's a preview
if (false == n.checked)
previewsCBstatus = false;
// if both are already marked to be unchecked, there's no need to
// keep walking the list: exit prematurely
if (false == imagesCBstatus && false == previewsCBstatus)
// only update the CBs if some images/previews were seen.
// In the case of images this is redundant (this function won't ever be
// entered if there are no images)
if (nimages)
this.dialog.selectImages_CB.checked = imagesCBstatus;
if (npreviews)
this.dialog.selectPreviews_CB.checked = previewsCBstatus;
this.toggleSimilar_CB = new CheckBox (this);
this.toggleSimilar_CB.text = "Toggle similar elements";
this.toggleSimilar_CB.checked = true;
this.toggleSimilar_CB.toolTip = "Tick to automatically (un)check " +
"all images or previews that have<br>the same dimensions and bit depth " +
"as the one that has been just (un)checked.";
this.target_List = new TreeBox (this);
this.target_List.setMinSize (400, 200);
this.target_List.font = new Font ("monospace", 10); // best to show tabulated data
this.target_List.numberOfColumns = 2;
this.target_List.headerVisible = true;
this.target_List.headerSorting = true;
this.target_List.setHeaderText (0, "Views");
this.target_List.setHeaderText (1, "Dimensions");
this.target_List.setHeaderAlignment (0, Align_Left);
this.target_List.setHeaderAlignment (1, Align_Left);
// save this function in a visible place
this.target_List.onNodeUpdated = function (node, column) {
// if "Toggle similar" is on, walk the list and set the similar
// images/previews to the state of the just-clicked one
if (this.dialog.toggleSimilar_CB.checked)
for (i = 0; i < this.dialog.target_List.numberOfChildren; i++)
if (this.dialog.target_List.child (i).text (1) == node.text (1))
this.dialog.target_List.child (i).checked = node.checked;
// Node creation helper
function addViewNode (parent, view) {
var node = new TreeBoxNode (parent);
node.checkable = true;
node.checked = false;
node.setText (0, view.fullId);
var image = view.image;
var metadata = format ("%5d x %5d x %d", image.width, image.height, image.numberOfChannels);
node.setText (1, metadata);
return node;
// Build the view tree structure
var windows = ImageWindow.windows;
for (var i = 0; i < windows.length; ++i) {
var node = addViewNode (this.target_List, windows[i].mainView);
node.expanded = false; // or true to initially expand all preview lists
var previews = windows[i].previews;
for (var j = 0; j < previews.length; ++j)
addViewNode (this.target_List, previews[j]);
// Ensure that all columns are initially visible
this.target_List.adjustColumnWidthToContents (0);
this.target_List.adjustColumnWidthToContents (1);
this.selectImages_CB = new CheckBox (this);
this.selectImages_CB.text = "Select all images";
this.selectImages_CB.checked = false;
this.selectImages_CB.toolTip = "Tick to select all entire images.";
this.selectImages_CB.onCheck = function (checked) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.dialog.target_List.numberOfChildren; i++) {
var str = this.dialog.target_List.child (i).text (0);
if (-1 == str.indexOf ("->")) { // this is an image
this.dialog.target_List.child (i).checked = checked;
this.selectPreviews_CB = new CheckBox (this);
this.selectPreviews_CB.text = "Select all previews";
this.selectPreviews_CB.checked = false;
this.selectPreviews_CB.toolTip = "Tick to select all previews.";
this.selectPreviews_CB.onCheck = function (checked) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.dialog.target_List.numberOfChildren; i++) {
var str = this.dialog.target_List.child (i).text (0);
if (-1 != str.indexOf ("->")) { // this is a preview
this.dialog.target_List.child (i).checked = checked;
this.checkBoxes_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.checkBoxes_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.checkBoxes_Sizer.add (this.selectImages_CB);
this.checkBoxes_Sizer.add (this.selectPreviews_CB);
this.checkBoxes_Sizer.add (this.toggleSimilar_CB);
this.target_GroupBox = new GroupBox (this);
this.target_GroupBox.title = "Images to integrate";
this.target_GroupBox.sizer = new VerticalSizer;
this.target_GroupBox.sizer.margin = 4;
this.target_GroupBox.sizer.spacing = 4;
this.target_GroupBox.sizer.add (this.checkBoxes_Sizer);
this.target_GroupBox.sizer.add (this.target_List, 100);
this.kappa_NC = new NumericControl (this);
this.kappa_NC.label.text = "Kappa value:";
this.kappa_NC.setRange (0.1, 10);
this.kappa_NC.slider.setRange (0, 198);
//this.kappa_NC.slider.minWidth = 150;
this.kappa_NC.setPrecision (2);
this.kappa_NC.setValue (engine.kappa);
this.kappa_NC.toolTip = "Threshold for eliminating hotpixels."
this.kappa_NC.onValueUpdated = function (value) {
engine.kappa = value;
// ----- BUTTONS
this.ok_Button = new PushButton (this);
this.ok_Button.text = " OK ";
// transfer the names of the selected images to the engine
this.ok_Button.onClick = function() {
// couldn't achieve this using this.dialog.target_List.selectedNodes, its length is always 1
for (n = 0; n < this.dialog.target_List.numberOfChildren; n++)
if (this.dialog.target_List.child (n).checked)
engine.imgIDs.push (this.dialog.target_List.child (n).text (0));
this.cancel_Button = new PushButton (this);
this.cancel_Button.text = " Cancel ";
this.cancel_Button.onClick = function() {
this.buttons_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.buttons_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.buttons_Sizer.add (this.ok_Button);
this.buttons_Sizer.add (this.cancel_Button);
this.sizer = new VerticalSizer;
this.sizer.margin = 6;
this.sizer.spacing = 6;
this.sizer.add (this.helpLabel);
this.sizer.addSpacing (4);
this.sizer.add (this.target_GroupBox, 100);
this.sizer.add (this.kappa_NC);
this.sizer.add (this.buttons_Sizer);
this.windowTitle = "KSIntegration v" + VERSION;
kappa_sigma_dialog.prototype = new Dialog;
function main() {
// used for computing elapsed time
var startts = new Date;
// Hide the console while our dialog is active.
var dialog = new kappa_sigma_dialog();
for (;;) {
if (!dialog.execute())
console.abortEnabled = true;
// Quit after successful execution.
var endts = new Date;
console.writeln (format ("<end><cbr><br>%.2f s",
(endts.getTime() - startts.getTime()) / 1000));