Author Topic: Newly computed master dark not compatible with lights?  (Read 3072 times)

Offline Terry Danks

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I am using the new Batch Preprocessing script and getting a message that there is "No correlation between master dark and target frame" for about 5 out of 29 light frames. The master dark is newly computed by the script from the individual dark frames.

All lights and darks are taken with the cooler on my ST-8300M set to minus 25C and all are 10 minutes in length. Why the error message? What should I be looking for as a cause?

Thanks . . .

Terry Danks

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Offline Terry Danks

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Re: Newly computed master dark not compatible with lights?
« Reply #2 on: 2012 May 23 17:24:41 »
Thanks, Geoff. I don't understand all of the stuff in that thread but next time this happens I'll try unchecking the optimization box.