Author Topic: Mac Lion: Too quick to click?  (Read 2818 times)

Offline Howard

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Mac Lion: Too quick to click?
« on: 2012 May 07 16:05:36 »

I've got myself into a bit of a bind. A large project that I've developed on Mac Lion now crashes when I try to execute a process near the end of the workflow, on the principal image for the workflow. So far as I can tell, there seems to a problem only with that image, and with one particular process, a HistogramTransformation. If I launch the process, and then select the image to display its histogram, the project crashes. HistogramTransformation processes seem to work fine on all the other images that I tried.

I'm wondering if I might have caused the problem earlier in the workflow, when another process was running on the image, and I mistakenly clicked on the Apply button for that process again. I got an error message (can't recall what it was), but which must have been triggered by me trying to run two instances of the process simultaneously.

Since I've got itchy fingers, I've done this before. Occasionally this causes PixInsight to stall (but generally not to crash), and sometimes the application seems able to recover from my goof.

I've also tried rearranging the process steps near the end of the problematic workflow, and the crash still occurs when I get to the final HistogramTransformation, to set the black point.

Any suggestions for how I might rescue my damaged project?

Many thanks,
P.S. Thanks to Juan for replying to my earlier message about the CloneStamp issues, which I'll get back to shortly ;).
Obsessed with the photographic experience of the cosmos!
Cabin in the Sky Observatory: PlaneWave CDK17, Paramount ME, Apogee U16M, Astrodon filters & MOAG, Starlight Lodestar, in a roll-off roof under the deep, dark skies of rural BC Canada.