Author Topic: Batch preprocessing Script fails to identify frame type  (Read 4642 times)

Offline cbradshaw

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    • Charlie's Tree House Observatory
I get a diagnostic message for my lights "Unable to determine frame type: C:/Users/Charlie/Astronomy/Observations/Nebulosity/Green Bank 062312/".  The darks, flats, and bias frames have no issues.  The camera is a modified Canon 20d and the exposure length is 5 minutes.  Each frame can be read correctly by PixInsight. The version is 1.7 x86


Charlie - G11, CGEM, SV115T20, Meade SN8, Mod Canon 20d and T3, QSI 683 WSG,

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Batch preprocessing Script fails to identify frame type
« Reply #1 on: 2012 June 26 04:34:10 »
Hi Charlie,

This is expected behavior. In absence of an IMAGETYP FITS header keyword (as happens with all DSLR camera images), the BatchPreprocessing script looks in file names to determine frame types. If a file name has any of the 'bias', 'dark', 'flat' or 'light' substrings, then it is used to decide the frame type. Otherwise there is no way to know it.

In your case it seems that the application you have used to acquire the images has not added a valid IMAGETYP keyword. You have to click the "Add Lights" button to manually add the required frames.

To check the keywords in one of the images, select it and File > FITS Header from the main menu.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team