Author Topic: ROI & duda tonta/ ROI & dummy doubt  (Read 3938 times)

Offline caliu

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ROI & duda tonta/ ROI & dummy doubt
« on: 2012 April 10 00:23:52 »
See text in "spanglish" below  ;D

Hola, como bien dice el titulo, tengo una duda seguramente tonta en torno a la utilidad del ROI, en Background Neutralization o en Color Calibration podemos establecer una region de interes especificando las coordenadas de dicha región, o bien importarlas desde un preview, mi duda es la siguiente, si para neutralizar el fondo ya lo hago tomando un preview como referencia ¿que beneficio obtengo si ese preview tambien lo pongo como ROI? ¿o lo estoy haciendo mal?, es que me parece tan redundante que seguro que algo se me escapa.
Gracias anticipadas


Surely I have a dummy question about the usefulness of ROI in Background Color Calibration Neutralization or we can establish a region of interest by specifying the coordinates of that region, or import them from a preview, my question is this, if to neutralize the I already do background taking a reference preview what benefit I get if I put this preview also as ROI? Or am I doing wrong?, Is that it seems so redundant sure something is beyond me.
Thanks in advance


Offline caliu

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Re: ROI & duda tonta/ ROI & dummy doubt
« Reply #1 on: 2012 April 12 08:51:01 »
¿Alguien se anima a perder su tiempo respondiendome? ¿o debo pensar que todos estais como yo?  ;D ;D

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Re: ROI & duda tonta/ ROI & dummy doubt
« Reply #2 on: 2012 April 12 13:16:42 »
no puedo hablar espanol bien y solamente ha leeado (?) su pregunta en ingles.

are you asking why is there both the option to use a preview as a ROI as well as an ROI from coordinates? if so the reason is that using a preview is not "portable" in the sense that if you saved the process icon for the process, it would not work properly if you dragged it to another image. by taking the ROI coordinates from a preview, you get the best of both worlds - the ability to define a preview area and use it to get the coordinates for the ROI.

then if you save the process icon and apply it to another copy of the same image, you don't have to define the previews on that new image again. you can directly use the process.

Offline caliu

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Re: ROI & duda tonta/ ROI & dummy doubt
« Reply #3 on: 2012 April 12 13:35:21 »
OK, thanks so much pfile,
Then it is logical to define a preview and also define the same ROI is what I thought, that is a redundancy.
Thanks again.
