Dear PI users,
we plan to take some photos of the same object with several DSLR Cameras in parallel in order to reach high
integration times. Optics differ not much, but they can (i.e. focal lenght 900-1000mm), also resolution the the DSLRs (about 12Mpix, Canon).
Each camera will take all necessary Dark-/bias-/Flatframes and each single lightframe will be calibrated as usual.
The question is :
Is it better to collect all calibrated lightframes of all cameras, align them, and integrate them in one step
should each camera calibrate and integrate the lightframes separately ?
Using the second way, all integrated camera-specific integrated frames must be aligned and "averaged" in a third step to give
the final result.
What we don't know - which way is better or will give the better integrated results ?
Thanks for your advices,