Author Topic: Hubble palette  (Read 5120 times)

Offline Jules

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Hubble palette
« on: 2012 February 11 13:26:01 »

Is it feasible to produce an image with the Hubble palette using just Ha and OIII. I have spent a considerable amount of time on this with Ha and OIII and I have not been able to make it work. I manage to produce dull reds or browns, no blues!

I have tried various combinations of Ha and OIII to produce greens / blues and reds, but the results are pretty bland. See example below:


« Last Edit: 2012 February 11 13:56:56 by Jules »

Offline troypiggo

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Re: Hubble palette
« Reply #1 on: 2012 February 12 00:46:52 »
Since "Hubble Palette" by definition is SII:Ha:OIII and you don't have the SII, it won't be "true".  But with that object and it's dominant Ha, as long as you put 100% Ha in the G channel, 100% OIII in blue, and maybe play with the R channel you might get close?

Offline Jules

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Re: Hubble palette
« Reply #2 on: 2012 February 12 13:46:02 »
Thanks Troy

I will give it a go!



Offline dhalliday

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Re: Hubble palette
« Reply #3 on: 2012 February 15 07:13:38 »
I often resort to crude combinations of OIII and Ha
I just play with combinations (in Pixel math)
This was a not so good attempt;

Depending on how the OIII content is I blend some of it and variable amounts of Ha..
I think SII is hard to get...but overall I am never thrilled with the results...
You are "eating away" at the two real signals by whatever amount you use of it...
If you get my poorly worded drift... >:D
Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

Offline Jules

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Re: Hubble palette
« Reply #4 on: 2012 February 15 09:19:37 »
Hi Dave

I had a look at you flickr page, some lovely images.

I have hours of photons for a couple of deep sky features all Ha and OIII. I have never been happy with any of the results using a synthetic layer.



Offline dhalliday

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Re: Hubble palette
« Reply #5 on: 2012 February 16 04:17:37 »
Since we are in a cloud patch...could you somehow/somwhere post a set of the data...?
I mean just the Ha and OIII calibrated stacks ?
Maybe someone has some ideas...and I love playing around.

John Taylor (on Flickr) keeps a "drop box" file site open for use by the "PI" group.
Or maybe you have such a file posting site..
I am a techno dummy.

I spend a lot of time in curves...sometimes one can play with the Hue setting...
Not sure if this is "cricket" or not...
But it can help.

Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc