Author Topic: A bit of progress: Using `Adaptive' settings with MMT noise reduction  (Read 7374 times)

Offline marekc

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This is a pretty small bit of progress, but I recently made a bit of headway with MMT-based noise reduction. I generally find myself intimidated by the settings and sliders in MMT, but I finally learned a little bit about the `Adaptive' sliders. I was able to use them to eliminate some dark blobs that remained after an otherwise-decent-looking (to me) noise reduction.

I've described it here:

- Marek

Offline Geoff

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Thanks Marek
It looks like a useful piece of work.
« Last Edit: 2012 July 17 03:29:53 by Geoff »
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Offline Philippe B.

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Hi Marek
I really like the noise reduction you have done (very nice rendering, maybe a little too much  >:D )
But really nice (the small structure noise rendition is nice)
Like me you like "noise reduction" and not "noise suppression" or worse : totally noise annihilation  :yell:     :D :D :D
Thank you for sharing settings
I start to have some nearly similar results with MMT but that's right this tool is not easy ! It demands a lot of try 

I really appeciate all you small tutorials. they are simple and it really help to go ahead with PI.


Offline marekc

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Hi Philippe,

Thanks very much for your kind words! I agree with you, tools like MMT are not easy. When we find settings that work for our images, they are very precious! Discovering a set of MMT (or Deconvolution, or whatever...) settings that works is like finding a precious gemstone.

When I found the MMT settings shown in my blog post, it was mostly luck, and I was amazed that it was possible to reduce the small-scale noise that much. I had just about given up on the idea of getting much out of my image.

I think my greatest desire, when it comes to PI, is to have a `visual sense' for what each slider or setting does. For example, I would *love* to have a `visual sense' for what the controls in StarMask do. I mostly feel like I'm lost in a wilderness when I'm using StarMask. Now I have a tiny visual sense for what Adaptive does, and for me that felt like a victory. With a tool like MMT, I'll take my victories wherever I can find them!

- Marek