Author Topic: PixInsight crashes when I run scripts  (Read 4652 times)

Offline AdamH

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PixInsight crashes when I run scripts
« on: 2011 December 30 18:46:05 »

Have just upgraded to I followed the instructions about resetting and uninstalling.

Now when I try and run scripts PI pauses for a few seconds then crashes. The scripts I've tried so far are: 3dplot, ExtractWaveletLayers. I have used batchdebayer and that has run successfully, and also crashed after a few. BatchFormatConversion worked.

Windows 7 64bit.

Anyone else getting this?



Offline Cleon_Wells

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Re: PixInsight crashes when I run scripts
« Reply #1 on: 2011 December 30 19:11:49 »
Yes i've have seen my Windows 7 portable do the same thing once to day while I was checking out the Mac WS NoNorm Cal Dark sub problem, I thought it could have been that I only have 2 Gig of Mem.
Cleon - GSO 10"RC/Canon T1i-Hap Mod, 100mmF6/2Ucam/MG, EQG/EQmod

Offline AdamH

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Re: PixInsight crashes when I run scripts
« Reply #2 on: 2011 December 30 22:44:42 »
I've 8GB RAM, and didn't have too much else loaded at the same time.

Offline AdamH

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Re: PixInsight crashes when I run scripts
« Reply #3 on: 2012 January 01 19:54:37 »
My problem in BatchDebayer happens when "var inputImageWindow =;" is called. As far as I can see in the log window the file is loaded, but nothing after this line happens. (Even if I add in a debug message).

And 3dplot is giving me:
Code: [Select]
run --execute-mode=auto "C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/3DPlot.js"

Processing script file: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/3DPlot.js
*** Error [000]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/include/pjsr/NumericControl.jsh, line 108: Error: Control.Set(): Internal error.
I'm sure in my earlier test it crashed everything.

I have also reverted to 1.7.0 and am seeing the same problem.
« Last Edit: 2012 January 01 21:01:53 by AdamH »

Hans Pleijsier

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Re: PixInsight crashes when I run scripts
« Reply #4 on: 2012 January 02 00:56:14 »
no problems with 3Dplot and wav-extract here: PI / 64bit / MacOSX.

Offline AdamH

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Re: PixInsight crashes when I run scripts
« Reply #5 on: 2012 January 02 02:34:34 »
Well I've got it working, but I'm not sure if it's something I've caused or not!

The error looks like this:
Faulting application name: PixInsight.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4efb56da
Faulting module name: vrfcore.dll, version: 4.1.1078.0, time stamp: 0x4b702b55

vrfcore.dll isn't part of PixInsight and is part of Application Verifier. I'm not sure if this is a standard part of windows, or if it came with Visual Studio, either way I don't use it. I fired up Application Verifier to see what it looked like, and surprisingly to me I found that PixInsight was selected. I unselected PixInsight closed Application Verifier and fired up PI. I noticed several things, firstly PI was much much faster, and secondly scipts work...

So personally things are now working, but I don't know if it's something I've caused or if somehow happened in the install process.
