Author Topic: Image Integration: Range clipping when using format hints?  (Read 2924 times)

Offline schling

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I just started using PixInsight, experimenting with the powerful image integration process. The data sets I use consist of floating format fits files that have been calibrated and aligned/resampled outside of PixInsight, but maintining the 16bit range of 0 to 65535.

I therefore proceeded to use Format Hints (lower-range 0 upper-range 65535) in the image integration settings. Worked just fine. Then I tried to use "clip low range" pixel rejection and noticed unexpected behavior, which then led me to try high range. Here, I discovered that all pixels get rejected, even if I set the value at the maximum allowed of 1.

This leads me to the suspicion that somehow the process interprets the range low/high settings within the range set by Format Hints (0 to 65525) and not within the rescaled 0 to 1 range. Not sure of course, but this is at least one explanation. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

I circumvented this problem by using the Batch Convert script to convert the files to th 0 to 1 range (changing the FITS preferences), and the range rejection worked just fine.

If I could get the Format Hint route to work, this would eliminate the conversion step and the associated hassle& risks (change preferences to 0-65535 and then change them back again to 0-1).

Thanks in advance for any help.


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Image Integration: Range clipping when using format hints?
« Reply #1 on: 2012 January 09 13:23:44 »
Hi Robert,

Welcome to PixInsight Forum.

This sounds like a bug in the ImageIntegration process. It is quite easy to fix, so we'll release an update as soon as possible. Thank you for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline schling

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Re: Image Integration: Range clipping when using format hints?
« Reply #2 on: 2012 January 10 05:22:59 »
That's good news. Thank you Juan!