Hi Morgan
I assume that with multiple adjustements you are talking about one after another; a serie.
You have to ways to try several processes with Previews:
a) Use the Store command after each process. The preview's "ground state" will be the last current state. If you apply a process, and then the preview's Undo (Shift+Ctrl+Z) it will show the stored state and not the "raw" one. That way you can try several processes over a prevew. If you like the final result, use the "Processing History" of the preview to recover every applied processes as a process container, wich you can apply to other previews or an image.
b) Use Process Containers. Load the processes in a process container, and apply it to a preview. The preview's Undo/Redo command will change the current view from the final result to the raw one and viceversa.
A note: If you want to edit a process container that shows a Processing History (it means, it has the "Processing History" title on the window), you are not allowed to do it directly. You'll have to create a process icon and then load it into a common process container's instance (double-click the process icon). Now you can disable processes in the list, add new ones into the list, change the sequence, etc.