I built a new image processing computer several months ago and it screams compared to the one it replaced. The new computer now has an Intel i7 2600K processor, 16 GBs of RAM, a very good 1GB video card, Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, and plenty of hard drive space. The only improvement I could think might help is installing a solid state hard drive and they haven't come down enough yet for me and I'm waiting to see how well they last. I see the warranty is the same as my SATA drives, 3-5 years, but expected more due to the lack of moving parts. Anyway, I really wonder if I have PixInsight setup properly to take advantage of the power of this system. While it does work very fast, could it be better? I have the default settings as PixInsight installs. Could I or should I tweak any of these settings? I should mention that I use a STL-11000 camera and do not bin any exposures so my individual image frames are 20 MBs each and it's nothing to have 40-60 images being aligned at one time and integrating as many as 20 or more for individual master frames for red, green, blue, and luminance. When I start PI it does tell me:
* Parallel processing enabled: Using 8 logical processors.
* Thread CPU affinity control enabled.
* PSM AutoSave enabled. Auto-save period: 30 seconds.
Any thoughts very appreciated.