I have a question about this tutorial. I suppose that Vicent would be the person most likely to be able to clarify this point:
I have been following along with the tutorial, using some M31 data I shot in October. I am having some trouble following the method around Figures 14 and 15. From the looks of Fig. 14, it appears that the PixelMath operation will be applied to an image (`Replace Target Image' is checked).
But which one?
Three images are shown in the PixelMath expression: MS, MS_LS, and HDRWT_LS. Should the PixelMath operation be applied to one of these?
Here's another thing I'm confused about: The tutorial's text gives the impression that the PixelMath expression is being used to modify the HDRWT image. But that's not one of the images in the Expression. Can we (and should we) apply the PixelMath expression to the HDRWT image, if it's not *in* the expression?
Thank you for the clarification,