aberration-spotter.js v0.1 - Group the corners of an image in another one
Copyright (C) 2007 David Serrano
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
0.1: Initial version.
#define VERSION "0.1"
#define SURNAME "_corners"
#define SET_PREFIX "aberration_spotter"
#include <pjsr/DataType.jsh>
#include <pjsr/FrameStyle.jsh>
#include <pjsr/NumericControl.jsh>
#include <pjsr/SampleType.jsh>
#include <pjsr/Sizer.jsh>
#include <pjsr/UndoFlag.jsh>
#feature-id AberrationSpotter
#feature-info Simple script that creates an image containing the corners \
and, optionally, the center of another image. Useful to highlight \
the aberrations of the optical elements used.
//#feature-icon aberration-spotter.xpm
function AS_user_data() {
this.hsize = 150; // pixels
this.vsize = 150; // pixels
this.show_center = true;
this.sep = 50; // percent
this.bgcolor = 0.25; // normalized value
this.delete_settings = false;
var user_data = new AS_user_data;
function AS_engine() {
var rect = new Rect; // for creating previews...
var points; // ...we'll move rect to these points
var dest_points; // points in the destination image
var win; // original window
var sep; // user_data.sep translated into pixels
// randomized ids, to avoid clashing with (maybe) existing ones
var preview_ids = new Array (
"UL_so8fh", "UR_so8fh",
"LL_so8fh", "LR_so8fh",
this.set_win = function (w) {
if (w.isNull) {
throw Error ("Invalid/No image window.");
this.win = w;
this._calc_sep = function() {
if (user_data.show_center) {
this.sep = Math.floor (
Math.min (user_data.hsize, user_data.vsize) * user_data.sep / 100
if (this.sep < 1) this.sep = 1;
} else {
this.sep = 1;
// creates points in both the original and destination images
this._create_points = function() {
var img = this.win.mainView.image;
if (!user_data.show_center) {
preview_ids.pop(); // remove "C" from its elements
// source points
this.points = new Array;
this.points[preview_ids[0]] = new Point (0, 0);
this.points[preview_ids[1]] = new Point (img.width - user_data.hsize - 1, 0);
this.points[preview_ids[2]] = new Point (0, img.height - user_data.vsize - 1);
this.points[preview_ids[3]] = new Point (
img.width - user_data.hsize - 1,
img.height - user_data.vsize - 1
if (user_data.show_center) {
this.points[preview_ids[4]] = new Point (
Math.floor (img.bounds.center.x - user_data.hsize / 2),
Math.floor (img.bounds.center.y - user_data.vsize / 2)
// destination points
this.dest_points = new Array;
this.dest_points[preview_ids[0]] = new Point (0, 0);
this.dest_points[preview_ids[1]] = new Point (user_data.hsize + this.sep, 0);
this.dest_points[preview_ids[2]] = new Point (0, user_data.vsize + this.sep);
this.dest_points[preview_ids[3]] = new Point (
user_data.hsize + this.sep,
user_data.vsize + this.sep
if (user_data.show_center) {
this.dest_points[preview_ids[4]] = new Point (Math.floor (
// dest image isn't created yet, so we have to guess its center
// we'll use the same operation to create the image later
(2 * user_data.hsize + this.sep) / 2 - (user_data.hsize / 2)
), Math.floor (
(2 * user_data.vsize + this.sep) / 2 - (user_data.vsize / 2)
this._create_previews = function() {
// why "rect" instead of "this.rect"????
rect.width = user_data.hsize;
rect.height = user_data.vsize;
for (var i in preview_ids) {
var str = preview_ids[i];
rect.moveTo (this.points[str]);
this.win.createPreview (rect, str);
this._join_previews = function() {
var v = this.win.mainView;
// create destination image
var dest = new ImageWindow (
2 * user_data.hsize + this.sep,
2 * user_data.vsize + this.sep,
3, v.image.bitsPerSample,
v.image.sampleType == SampleType_Real,
true, v.id + SURNAME
with (dest.mainView) {
beginProcess (UndoFlag_NoSwapFile);
with (image) {
fill (user_data.bgcolor);
// copy previews into the destination image. Not the central one
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
selectedPoint = this.dest_points[preview_ids[i]];
apply (this.win.previewById (preview_ids[i]).image);
// fill the center and put the central image over it
if (user_data.show_center) {
var p = this.dest_points[preview_ids[4]];
// but only draw the "border" if separation is less than 100%
if (user_data.sep < 100) {
selectedRect = new Rect (
p.x - 1,
p.y - 1,
p.x + user_data.hsize + 1,
p.y + user_data.vsize + 1
fill (user_data.bgcolor);
selectedPoint = p;
apply (this.win.previewById (preview_ids[4]).image);
this._destroy_all = function() {
this.points = null;
this.dest_points = null;
for (var i = 0; i < preview_ids.length; i++) {
this.win.deletePreview (this.win.previewById (preview_ids[i]));
rect = null;
this.work = function() {
var engine = new AS_engine;
function AS_dialog() {
this.__base__ = Dialog;
// help label
this.helpLabel = new Label (this);
with (this.helpLabel) {
frameStyle = FrameStyle_Box;
margin = 4;
wordWrapping = true;
useRichText = true;
text = "<b>AberrationSpotter v"+VERSION+"</b> - A " +
"script to take the corners of an existing image and putting " +
"them in another image. Optionally takes the center too. You " +
"can choose the background brightness and the separation of " +
"the corners (only if showing the center).";
// horizontal size
this.hsize_NC = new NumericControl (this);
with (this.hsize_NC) {
label.text = "Horizontal size:";
setRange (2, 500);
slider.setRange (0, 498);
slider.minWidth = 510;
setPrecision (0);
setValue (user_data.hsize);
toolTip = "Horizontal size of each image portion."
onValueUpdated = function (value) { user_data.hsize = value; }
// vertical size
this.vsize_NC = new NumericControl (this);
with (this.vsize_NC) {
label.text = "Vertical size:";
setRange (2, 500);
slider.setRange (0, 498);
slider.minWidth = 510;
setPrecision (0);
setValue (user_data.vsize);
toolTip = "Vertical size of each image portion."
onValueUpdated = function (value) { user_data.vsize = value; }
// separation
this.sep_NC = new NumericControl (this);
with (this.sep_NC) {
label.text = "Separation between portions (percent):";
setRange (0, 100);
slider.setRange (0, 101);
slider.minWidth = 110;
setPrecision (0);
setValue (user_data.sep);
toolTip = "Portions of the image will be separated this amount. It " +
"represents a percentage over the size of each portion. Ignored " +
"if we're not showing the center.";
onValueUpdated = function (value) { user_data.sep = value; }
// background color
this.bc_NC = new NumericControl (this);
with (this.bc_NC) {
label.text = "Background brightness:";
setRange (0, 1);
slider.setRange (0, 101);
slider.minWidth = 110;
setPrecision (2);
setValue (user_data.bgcolor);
toolTip = "Brightness of background. 0 is black and 1 is white.";
onValueUpdated = function (value) { user_data.bgcolor = value; }
// show center checkbox
this.sc_CB = new CheckBox (this);
with (this.sc_CB) {
text = "Show center";
checked = user_data.show_center;
toolTip = "Check to show the center portion of the image. The " +
"separation is ignored if the center isn't to be shown.";
onCheck = function (checked) { user_data.show_center = checked; }
// delete settings checkbox
this.ds_CB = new CheckBox (this);
with (this.ds_CB) {
text = "Delete settings and exit";
checked = user_data.delete_settings;
onCheck = function (checked) { user_data.delete_settings = checked; }
toolTip = "Check to remove the stored settings and exit the program.";
// buttons
this.ok_Button = new PushButton (this);
this.ok_Button.text = " OK ";
this.ok_Button.onClick = function() { this.dialog.ok(); };
this.cancel_Button = new PushButton (this);
this.cancel_Button.text = " Cancel ";
this.cancel_Button.onClick = function() { this.dialog.cancel(); };
this.buttons_Sizer = new HorizontalSizer;
this.buttons_Sizer.spacing = 4;
this.buttons_Sizer.add (this.ok_Button);
this.buttons_Sizer.add (this.cancel_Button);
// pack everything
this.sizer = new VerticalSizer;
with (this.sizer) {
margin = 6;
spacing = 6;
add (this.helpLabel);
addSpacing (4);
add (this.hsize_NC);
add (this.vsize_NC);
add (this.sep_NC);
add (this.bc_NC);
add (this.sc_CB);
add (this.ds_CB);
add (this.buttons_Sizer);
this.windowTitle = "AberrationSpotter v" + VERSION;
AS_dialog.prototype = new Dialog;
function AS_settings() {
var conf = new Array (
// important: use the same name as the user_data variables
new Array ("hsize", DataType_UInt16),
new Array ("vsize", DataType_UInt16),
new Array ("show_center", DataType_Boolean),
new Array ("sep", DataType_UInt16),
new Array ("bgcolor", DataType_Float)
this.load = function() {
var temp;
for (var i in conf) {
var str = conf[i][0];
var type = conf[i][1];
temp = Settings.read (SET_PREFIX + "/" + str, type);
if (Settings.lastReadOK) {
user_data[str] = temp;
} else {
console.writeln (format (
"Couldn't read setting '%s/%s'", SET_PREFIX, str
this.save = function() {
for (var i in conf) {
var str = conf[i][0];
var type = conf[i][1];
Settings.write (SET_PREFIX + "/" + str, type, user_data[str]);
this.del = function() {
Settings.remove (SET_PREFIX);
var AS_settings = new AS_settings;
function main() {
engine.set_win (ImageWindow.activeWindow);
var dialog = new AS_dialog; // has to be done after settings are loaded
if (!dialog.execute()) {
if (user_data.delete_settings) {
} else {