Author Topic: How do I install the updates and quick image size question  (Read 3771 times)

Offline Tom OD

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Hi All,
I'm new to PI so I'm having probems with a lot of the basics. I keep getting the message you have updates on boot up. I downloaded them, but they don't seem to self install. How do I instlal them manually.
Also I tried an LRGB combine and it failed. The Lum was from Photo Shop and it was a 16 bit pic, while the RGB was done in PI and was 32 bit. Would this be the reason it failed, or do the images nee to be the exact same size, by pixels to combine?
Thanks Tom.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: How do I install the updates and quick image size question
« Reply #1 on: 2011 October 24 00:06:01 »
Hi Tom,

Welcome to PixInsight Forum!

I keep getting the message you have updates on boot up. I downloaded them, but they don't seem to self install. How do I instlal them manually.

They don't have to be installed manually; the update process is automatic and shouldn't fail. Are you using Windows? Which version of Windows? On Windows XP you have to uncheck the 'protect my computer' option on the confirmation dialog box, just before the update program begins copying files. If this doesn't help, please copy the update log (you can get it after each update), and post it here.

The Lum was from Photo Shop and it was a 16 bit pic, while the RGB was done in PI and was 32 bit. Would this be the reason it failed

Chances are, but not necessarily :)

or do the images nee to be the exact same size, by pixels to combine?

Indeed, both image have to have the same geometry. I strongly recommend you watch this video tutorial about LRGB combinations and other essential techniques in PixInsight:

also available on our YouTube channel:

Let me know if this helps.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Tom OD

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Re: How do I install the updates and quick image size question
« Reply #2 on: 2011 October 24 07:56:53 »
Thanks Juan,
The updating has worked and so has the LRGB combination. The RGB and L frames were taken with the same camera, but cropped dfferently. Stil the combine worked ok.
Cheers Tom.