Author Topic: M31 from Jim Misti  (Read 7478 times)

Offline C. Sonnenstein

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M31 from Jim Misti
« on: 2007 October 27 16:05:52 »
A very nice data from Jim Misti!

50% resolution:

I combined only RGB data, making a linear color calibration in ChannelMatch, flat-field correction in DBE, then proccesed the RGB image with HDRWaveletTransform, LRGBCombination process for the color saturation midtones transfer function and chrominance noise reduction, large scale noise reduction in ACDNR with luminance mask, and erosion filter in MorphologicalTransform for the stars.

That's all. I think Andromeda dark structures are pretty, but probably the core is a little bit dark...


P.D. In order to compare, there are Tom Harrison's: and Andrea Tamanti's: excelent versions.
Carlos Sonnenstein