Hello Craig,
Thank you very much for your warm words.
I understand what you say about our documentation, and I completely agree. In many cases we have not had the necessary perspective to be able to put ourselves in the user's place.
Writing a comprehensive and useful documentation for something like PixInsight is not the easiest task, as I'm sure you know very well. Now we have accumulated a lot of experience, especially feedback from users, that hopefully will let us produce a much better documentation for the next versions.
I appreciate the example you've excerpted from the wavelets section; very helpful to catch your idea.
Regarding the GUI, wait to see our next implementations. We are rewriting the whole application from its foundations, and the entire user interface is now based on the Qt library by Trolltech (
www.trolltech.com/qt/). I'm sure you'll love it as much as we love Qt and its awesome power. As you probably suspect now, yes, we plan to port the application to Linux and Mac OSX platforms, including 64-bit platforms. The initial release will be for 32-bit Windows, though.
You probably will be interested to know that PixInsight Standard will be an open system. All processes, file formats and processing interfaces will be implemented as installable modules. There will be a language-independent, low-level API, and a high-level API, that will be a C++ class library. The high-level API will be freely available.
Again thank you for your interest. I'd like to know more on your experience with PixInsight, so please feel free to comment on here.