I just got the trial version of the PI.Wow!What a great software!
Followed Harry's tutorial and I can tell I'm comfortable to do some "basic" processing now after a few days.
Thanks Harry!Great tutorials you have there!
I gave up buying "desktop"computers about 8 years ago.Right now the laptop I have I'm using it it for processing,capturing images as well.
But some of the "functions" in PI runs slow.I did one set of image-calibration,alignment etc.,but it took a long time to go thru the whole process.
So,I'm thinking I'll just use DSS to stack my images,and use PI to "process"the images.
Here is what I have:I3 dual core processor,4gig.Ram,500gig harddrive(380gig free)Win7
I have the 32-bit version of PI.
Is there a way to speed up my laptop??Some of the PI "functions"run slow.
Or the laptops are just not that fast??
I'm thinking that maybe I need to get a "desktop"PC,with the i5-i7 processor,6-8 gig ram?and faster and bigger harddrive?
Is there a huge difference stacking in PI vs.DSS?
Anyway I have a picture re-processed with PI,and I can see a big difference!The first picture was processed in PS CS3
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtibor64/5693511084/in/photostreamand using the same "stacked" picture,I re-processed in PI using Harry's tutorials.
Now,I really didn't get good data with these shots,but I really like the PI version.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mtibor64/5771669384/in/photostreamThanks ,Tibor