Author Topic: Project save/restore behavior (osx x86 [32-bit])  (Read 3349 times)

Offline pfile

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Project save/restore behavior (osx x86 [32-bit])
« on: 2011 June 01 13:41:53 »
I suppose this is not really a bug, so i have not posted it in the "bug" area.

Pixinsight32 on OSX seems to check out for quite a long time while saving or restoring a project. something about the save/restore process blocks the main thread and so you get the spinning pinwheel of death, and OSX thinks that PI is 'not responding'. is there any way to prevent that? it's not fatal but you lose the updates in the process console as the project is being saved/restored.

also, during a project restore operation i was surprised to see furious disk write activity in addition to the expected reads. i can see now that what PI is doing is restoring all of the image history from the project directory to the /tmp directory. i suppose *this* falls under "wishlist" but if you made the project functionality more integral to PI then perhaps you could avoid all this copying. what i mean is that perhaps you should *have* to start a new project when you start up PI, and then you can write the image history files to the project container directory instead of to /tmp. then there's no need to save and restore the history; it's already in the project.

for a DSLR image that's undergone a masked stretch, there is A LOT of history! it took about 5 minutes to restore my project, and it probably would have been longer if /tmp and ~ were not on different disks on my mac.

i know, i know... give them a feature they have been whining for forever and all they do is complain :)

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Project save/restore behavior (osx x86 [32-bit])
« Reply #1 on: 2011 June 01 13:48:52 »
I suspect PI is creating swap files in the swap locations based on data it found in your project. You could use a file monitor program to find out what PI is doing if you're curious :) I don't use OSX so I don't know what app to use for that, sorry.

Edge HD 1100
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Offline pfile

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Re: Project save/restore behavior (osx x86 [32-bit])
« Reply #2 on: 2011 June 01 13:51:00 »
I suspect PI is creating swap files in the swap locations based on data it found in your project. You could use a file monitor program to find out what PI is doing if you're curious :) I don't use OSX so I don't know what app to use for that, sorry.

yes, that is what i meant by this:

i can see now that what PI is doing is restoring all of the image history from the project directory to the /tmp directory

iotop and lsof are what you need to figure out what's going on on OSX (or any unix for that matter)

Offline Nocturnal

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Re: Project save/restore behavior (osx x86 [32-bit])
« Reply #3 on: 2011 June 01 14:08:39 »
Sorry Rob, didn't read your message carefully enough.

Edge HD 1100
QHY-8 for imaging, IMG0H mono for guiding, video cameras for occulations
Takahashi EM-400
PIxInsight, DeepSkyStacker, PHD, Nebulosity