Author Topic: Wavelet preview  (Read 3469 times)

Offline Riccardo A. Ballerini

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Wavelet preview
« on: 2011 March 12 06:18:00 »
if I set the parameters in order to create a "star mask" the preview works correctly.
When I apply the parameters to the image I get a black image.
Here is a self explanatory small movie

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Wavelet preview
« Reply #1 on: 2011 March 18 00:51:23 »
Hi Riccardo,

No, you aren't doing anything wrong. The problem here is that currently the ATWT tool has limited real-time previewing capabilities. It works quite well when the difference in size between the image and the real-time preview is not too large (say no more than 1:2 approx.), but with larger differences the real-time preview results may be way inaccurate.

In your case the image has about 4000x2500 pixels. The r-t preview is much smaller; probably 8 times smaller than the image. In this case, you have two options:

- Use previews instead of the real-time preview.

- Use a downsampled version of your image to build the mask (say a version reduced to 1/4 of the original with IntegerResample); then upsample the mask inversely to the original size. The r-t preview will work much better with a reduced version.

I'll try to improve ATWT's real-time previewing accuracy in future versions; sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the movie by the way ;)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Riccardo A. Ballerini

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Re: Wavelet preview
« Reply #2 on: 2011 April 02 08:43:55 »
Thank you for replying!

...but ...I have similar behaviour with "non" real time preview as well though :-(

Trying to recover (just for fun) a bad image that suffers of bad collimation and tracking I:
create a preview - adjust parameters for Mot. Blur. Deconv. - obtaining
pic A
When I apply the settings to the whole image I obtain a very different result
pic B

Do I have to assume that is a size mismatch related idiosyncrasy similar to the real time preview?

Thank you!