Author Topic: What Filters to use on what target?  (Read 5464 times)

Offline Lex

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What Filters to use on what target?
« on: 2011 March 11 15:11:35 »
Hy guys,

I am wondering if it is still a question of experimentation or if there is some kind of rule/schedule saying what kind of filters should be used in combination with the target wanted to be imaged?

Is there a big difference between narrow and large-band kind of filters?
I own a set of large band ones and I really do not obtain promising images; am I doing something wrong?
I wanted to create some mapped-color images without success; are there some secrets?

While swapping Filters....

Thanks for Answers  ;D


Clear Skies!!



AZEQ6 GT, TS UNC 10" f5, ASI1600mm-c

HADSO (Hagen Deep Sky Observatory)20 km W of Luxemburg City