Author Topic: Image Integration Crash [SOLVED]  (Read 3146 times)

Offline Conor

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Image Integration Crash [SOLVED]
« on: 2011 February 26 16:56:05 »
Hey guys

Just came inside after a night's shooting and starting to process.
I've just updated PI and attempted to stack my dark frames but
PI hangs indefinitely after dispatching the Image Integration process.
Has anyone else seen this? Is there anything I can do? I've had to
use my own system libraries as PI craps out complaining that it can't
find the versions of libraries it needs if I use the packed libraries. It's
getting frustrating to have to do this every time there's a release...
I don't have a windows box and I installed Arch 64 because the 32 bit
PI was bugged to kingdom come as well. Any solutions/news on when
PI will have proper QA or a build script that isn't anally retentive about
library versions?

Arch Linux x86_64 w/2.6.37 Kernel
Qt 4.7.1


A very frustrated Conor.
« Last Edit: 2011 February 27 11:17:19 by Conor »
Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX III w/ QE Reducer
William Optics 110FLT Apo Triplet
William Optics Megrez 72 Apo Doublet
iOptron CEM60
QSI 583ws & 3nm Ha/OIII/SII filters
Trying to use PixInsight on FreeBSD

Offline Conor

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Re: Image Integration Crash
« Reply #1 on: 2011 February 27 05:33:25 »
Using IDA Pro, GDB and Valgrind I traced the problem down to a heap
corruption in the Qt framework. Serves me right for using external libs
with PI. I thought, considering the lack of CPU activity that it was likely
some sort of deadlock, but not the case.

My apologies for pointing the finger erroneously; I'll change the topic
to Solved and submit a bug report to the Qt framework team at some
point. This post is worthy of deletion.


Takahashi FSQ 106 EDX III w/ QE Reducer
William Optics 110FLT Apo Triplet
William Optics Megrez 72 Apo Doublet
iOptron CEM60
QSI 583ws & 3nm Ha/OIII/SII filters
Trying to use PixInsight on FreeBSD

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Image Integration Crash [SOLVED]
« Reply #2 on: 2011 March 05 03:56:30 »
Hi Conor,

I'm glad to know you've found the origin of this issue. Believe me that I am including our own version of Qt with PixInsight on all platforms, including Linux, for strong reasons. I've seen lots of problems with Qt libraries provided by Linux distros, especially when PI is used under KDE. Our version of Qt is optimized for PI and compiled somewhat conservatively for the sake of stability; this is part of our QA procedures and we make sure PI runs out-of-the-box on Red Hat, Fedora and Ubuntu at least. I'll download Arch and will install it on a virtual machine to see where the problems are before releasing version 1.7.

In any case, a Linux user is always free to edit the launcher script to force PI Core use of distribution Qt libraries, although this is not recommended. If PI complains about unresolved symbols or lacking dependencies, please post the output of ldd here and we'll try to find a solution.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team