Author Topic: ImageCalibration - Unknown Exception at dark frame optimization (SOLVED)  (Read 2827 times)

Offline Greg Schwimer

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PI Version on OSX.

Not sure if this is a bug or just something about my data. I cannot calibrate my flats with the dark master frame. I repeatedly get this result from ImageCalibration:

Dark frame optimization thresholds:
Td0 = 0.00000000 (71 px = 0.001%)
** Warning: The dark frame optimization threshold is probably too high (channel 0).
Td1 = 0.00000000 (0 px = 0.000%)
** Warning: The dark frame optimization threshold is probably too high (channel 1).
** Warning: The dark frame optimization pixel set is too small - disabling dark frame optimization (channel 1).
*** Error: Unknown exception
<* failed *>

I've tried adjusting the optimization threshold and window size to no avail. When I disable dark frame optimization the calibration proceeds. I have yet to try this with other data.

Any ideas?

« Last Edit: 2015 December 02 21:32:18 by schwim »
- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Offline Greg Schwimer

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I believe I've figured this out. 

When I installed the new version of PI, it seems my settings did not come across to the new install. RAW file handling was set back to default (amongst other things), and the flat and dark frames had different orientations (dark in portrait, flats in landscape). I re-set the RAW settings and have been able to get it to work.
- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA