Author Topic: Software for Making Videos  (Read 3936 times)

Offline sreilly

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Software for Making Videos
« on: 2011 February 14 05:54:17 »
Is there an inexpensive software that can be used to make video tutorials? I was thinking of making a video of a small project from start to finish of a luminance image and then followup with adding the RGB data in a separate video. If I have enough bandwidth on my website I could zip the images used for download so that the data used in the video is the same that is available for download. I don't think this is redundant from any videos I've seen. That's the idea anyway. Short and sweet, probably 10-15 minutes for the luminance and maybe half for adding the color.
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Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Software for Making Videos
« Reply #1 on: 2011 February 14 06:49:21 »
Hi Steve,

If you're using Mac OS X, then I'd recommend iShowU HD Pro. This application is a work of art, and it's incredibly cheap (60 USD) considering what it is capable of. We use iShowU to create all of our video tutorials.

If you're using Windows, then I have no direct experience (I don't use Windows), but some folks here are using Camtasia.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team