Author Topic: Quick Zooming in Histogram Transformation tool?  (Read 7126 times)

Offline Josh Lake

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Quick Zooming in Histogram Transformation tool?
« on: 2011 January 09 16:30:44 »
I was watching the excellent video tutorial on DBE and noticed some quick zooming within the Histogram Transformation tool. Does anyone know how to do this? I know that I can hit the zoom in and zoom out buttons and then click on the lower histogram to get a better view of the dark end, but I figure there must be some keyboard shortcut method that I'm missing to do it more efficiently.

By mousing-over the buttons, I see that I can hit Alt-Spacebar and Shift-Alt-Spacebar, but that doesn't work for me because it goes to Spotlight on a Mac. On top of that, I think it's just like clicking the button -- not a dynamic on-the-fly zoom.

Any thoughts, experts? I'm just a couple of weeks into PI and loving it, but I want to make my workflow efficient.

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Quick Zooming in Histogram Transformation tool?
« Reply #1 on: 2011 January 09 17:17:14 »
I wonder whether you have tried using the Mouse Scroll-Wheel on either the upper or lower window in the Histogram Process. (This also works on Curves as well).

Far more controllable is to use the scroll-wheel when you are hovering over the scroll-box icons on the Histogram itself - the left hand pair control the Horizontal or Vertical zoom of the Lower pane (the 'input data') and the right-hand pair control the same zoom function for the Upper pane (the 'output data', or what the histogram will 'become' if it is applied to the highleghted image)

And, another useful tip, remember that you can transfer the 'setup' of the Histogram sliders to the STF process, and vice versa. I actually now find this infinitely more useful that messing round with the Real-Time-Preview. Just make sure that both processes are open, and that both have the 'Track View' checkbox 'ticked' (the little tick-mark down at the bottom-right corner of the respective dialogue boxes).

And, always remember that you will very likely need to 'Reset' the STF for an image immediately after applying a Histo or Curve transformation to it.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
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Offline Josh Lake

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Re: Quick Zooming in Histogram Transformation tool?
« Reply #2 on: 2011 January 10 19:59:07 »
Ah, scroll wheel, that would explain it... I'm on a laptop! I'll try the two-finger gesture soon, though.

Thanks for the other good tips as well. It's amazing how much functionality is packed into these interfaces.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Quick Zooming in Histogram Transformation tool?
« Reply #3 on: 2011 January 11 01:04:12 »

Along with the mouse wheel, you can use the following keyboard/mouse combinations when the histogram tool window has the keyboard focus:

Spacebar+click+drag to pan a zoomed panel.

Ctrl+Spacebar+click (Alt+Spacebar+click on the Mac) to zoom in at the current cursor location.

Shift+Ctrl+Spacebar+click (Shift+Alt+Spacebar+click on the Mac) to zoom out at the current cursor location.

These work on HistogramTransformation, CurvesTransformation and ColorSaturation. Note also that the same combinations work on any image view in PixInsight.

On the CurvesTransformation and ColorSaturation curve panels, pressing the Ctrl key activates the 'delete point' mode and pressing the Shift key activates the 'select point' mode (useful to select curve points without moving them).

Now you know everything :)
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Josh Lake

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Re: Quick Zooming in Histogram Transformation tool?
« Reply #4 on: 2011 January 11 03:52:19 »
Perfect, thanks! It was indeed the Alt-Spacebar functionality that I had seen in the tutorial and was looking for. I'm a big fan of keyboard shortcuts, so this will help me tweak more efficiently and naturally.
