Author Topic: Lucy-Richardson Convolution  (Read 9565 times)


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Lucy-Richardson Convolution
« on: 2005 March 17 08:21:29 »
On the AIC 2004 Volker Wendel shows some examples of sharpening algorithms/programs (CCD Sharp, PixInsight, Unsharp masks, ...).

He shows a very nice sharpened NGC 253 and he used "LR deconvolution in PixInsight".

Where in the menus can I start this deconvolution in PixInsight?

I cannot find LR deconvolution in the menus or in the documentation.

Offline Juan Conejero

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Lucy-Richardson Convolution
« Reply #1 on: 2005 March 17 11:09:09 »
Hello guest,

Volker Wendel uses the regularized Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm that we have implemented in the beta versions of PixInsight Standard (the full version). Volker is a member of our beta-test and development group (the PTeam), so he has access to those beta versions. The deconvolution routines have not been included in the LE release of PixInsight.

The next public release of PixInsight Standard will include regularized versions of the Richardson-Lucy and Van Cittert deconvolution algorithms, along with many other predefined processes. Regularized algorithms are very powerful since they apply noise reduction and deconvolution simultaneously. At each iteration, the image is decomposed with a wavelet transform, and only the significant structures are deconvolved. Our implementations also include efficient deringing and background protection features.

However, in the current LE release of PixInsight you can use the À Trous Wavelets process, which is also extremely powerful and rivalizes with deconvolution in many cases (and even surpasses it for many images). Our implementation of wavelets processing includes nice deringing and noise reduction features. I don't know your processing needs, but I recommend you to give wavelets a thorough try anyway.

Thank you for your interest,

Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team