Well, it turns out that I have been extremely stupid
. When this so called problem started I had been using Maxim to calibrate, colour convert and stack the images of the Moon. Then I had the idea that I would try to use PI to debayer my images. I thought I would try to get that right before moving on to using PI for calibration, registration and integration.
I went back into Maxim and just unchecked the colour conversion box and ran the sequence again. Took the image into PI and there was the banding. Panic set in and my brains flew out.
At Carlos's suggestion, I used Nebulosity to check if it produced the banding but of course it did not because in 'Neb' I was using the correct sequence. Amazingly, each time I did further tests in Maxim I had left the colour conversion box unchecked (I suppose because I never normally change this setting).
So not for the first time since taking up this hobby, I have made a bit of a fool of myself and I don't suppose it will be the last time. Apologies for wasting everybody's time and my thanks for the help you have given me.
Kind (but embarrassed) regards,
London, UK
PS. Niall, at least (when we get some decent weather) I will be able to get back to using your script. I will let you know the outcome.