as I'm trying to do a 32b windows compilation on a 64b system it struck me that it's a bit heavy handed to have to install the entire 32b PCL package when all I need is the 32b library for linking. At least I assume there's only one set of PCL header files. Now I could install the 32b package on my machine but then I need to re-install 64b to get my start menu working again.
So my suggestion is the either provide both 64b and 32b libraries with either PCL install or make them available separately. I'll copy mine from one of my 32b machines but going forward this seems like a low cost solution that would facilitate PCL building.
I think this applies to all OS flavors, not just windows except that with Linux there's an archive which would allow the intrepid developer to just extract the lib dir. With Windows that's not possible. Don't know about MacOS.