Author Topic: New PixInsight Processing Tutorial on Noise Reduction  (Read 21760 times)

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New PixInsight Processing Tutorial on Noise Reduction
« on: 2005 February 04 04:58:43 »
Hi all,

I have just finished a new processing tutorial. It is here:

This document explains a noise reduction technique based on the application of wavelets processing and SGBNR in PixInsight LE 1.0.1.

Thanks to Richard Crisp for giving me permission to use one of his CCD raw images to build a step-by-step processing example.

I hope this tutorial will be much clearer and easy to understand than a similar document included in the official documentation. I've used a lot of mouse over comparisons and explained in detail many critical aspects of the procedure.

Any suggestions and criticisms are welcome.

All the best,

Juan Conejero

Juan Conejero, Pleiades Astrophoto Team
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