Author Topic: Getting Started?  (Read 12440 times)

Offline mmirot

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Re: Getting Started?
« Reply #15 on: 2010 June 27 10:16:07 »
I am thinking learning some programming. Which is most useful in PI? Javascript or C++. I toyed with Basic some years ago. But have no real experience. 
Any books to get started.


Offline georg.viehoever

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Re: Getting Started?
« Reply #16 on: 2010 June 27 11:07:50 »
I am thinking learning some programming. Which is most useful in PI? Javascript or C++.

if you are not into C++, I would recommend to start with JavaScript. Much easier, but (some) small limitations. A good starting point are the existing PI scripts. You'll get the idea of that language pretty fast by just looking at examples. Then start with some of the web tutorials (google is your friend here).

Georg (6 inch Newton, unmodified Canon EOS40D+80D, unguided EQ5 mount)

Offline Carlos Milovic

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Re: Getting Started?
« Reply #17 on: 2010 July 07 21:37:38 »
Hi guys

I started along time ago programing with Visual Basic (mostly self-teaching). Then I learned C (formal course). The change between both languages at a "basic" level is just a matter of knowing the syntax. Then, moving forward C++ is pretty much straightforward. I repeat, at a basic level. So, I would say that modifying current code, and compiling new simple modules is an quite easy task.
I agree that PJSR would be an even easier approach. But it has limitations. As a matter of personal tastes, I think that C++ code is more elegant, nicer, than JS, but that's only my own p.o.v. :) Also, I believe (I might be wrong) that it gives more control over what's happening behind curtains.

Anyway, I think (or believe) that in the med-term both ways of expanding PI would merge into some state where for a final user it would be hard to find if a process has been implemented as a c++ module or an "advanced" script. So, I wouldn't care too much about the path to follow. Also, you may go both-ways :) JS is a great choice to test new, rough code, which would later be implemented in c++.

PS: Sorry for being away from the forum. The academic life has much higher priorities this month.

Carlos Milovic F.
PixInsight Project Developer

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: Getting Started?
« Reply #18 on: 2010 July 08 06:59:25 »
I would still like a "How to Compile PCL for Dummies" to be written.

I am sure that I have all the necessary bit and pieces to manage this, but I haven't really got a clue how to 'join them all up together'. I know that there have been postings in the past, but every one that I have read seem to assume that I have some knowledge, experience, or operational setup that already works.

Basically, I have 'some' of the above requirements, but not 'all'. And this must affect a lot of contributors, who 'could' make the transition from PJSR to PCL - or who could even leap into the 'Sandbox' in PCL and just 'get going' - but who are not quite sure if the 'compilation hoops' that they are going to have to jump through are all properly lined up.

I know it is a lot to ask, but, "any offers"? As I have said, I will make my PC available over TeamViewer for anyone willing to take the time to try and help me, and would try to 'VideoCapture' the session to help others in the future.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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