Don't close the Processing Console window. If you close it, it will be automatically re-opened the next time you execute a process. This is because the PC window is used by PixInsight to provide feedback and progress information about the ongoing processes. The PC is also the only way to stop a process from the GUI (the Pause/Abort button). In other words, the PC window is a necessary component of PixInsight's graphical interface; don't try to fight against it --it is there to help you, not to annoy you.
You normally don't need to close or hide the PC window manually because it is automatically hidden when a process finishes (unless you launch the process from the console, and if the PC window is not in stick state --the square button that Vicent refers to-- or floated as a top-level window).
All auto-hide windows (Processing Console, Process Explorer, etc.) are automatically hidden by simply making a click anywhere on the workspace (including image windows).
If you think the PC window is being shown too often, you can control the time elapsed until the PC window is automatically shown with preferences:
- From the main menu, select Edit > Global Preferences.
- Select the Miscellaneous Process Settings section on the left panel.
- Enter the desired time in milliseconds for Console window delay. The default value is 750 ms. Try with 1200 or 1500 ms for example, if you want to see the console appearing only for "heavy" processes. Also read the tool tip information that pops up when you place the mouse cursor on this item.
- Click the circular blue button (or press F6) to apply the process globally.
Hope this helps.