Hi Neil,
How do I get started with scripts, is there a tutorial and reference guide to the available functions / classes?
Unfortunately, we still don't have a reference documentation for the PixInsight JavaScript Runtime (PJSR). This is one of our huge pending tasks.
We have a quite complete reference documentation for the PixInsight Class Library (PCL):
http://pixinsight.com/developer/pcl/doc/I also wrote a long article on getting started with PCL in the first issue of PixInsight Magazine:
http://pixinsight.com/magazine/If you are interested in PJSR, you have a lot of documented JavaScript source code available (in PI's distribution) that you can use for reference. For example, take a look at Niall Saunder's CMYG deBayer script. Existing source code is what many developers are using with excellent results. Finally, this forum is the best place where you can post any doubts or ask us for help with any development topics related to PixInsight, both for the C++ and JavaScript frameworks. We'll be glad to do our best to assist you.
Finally, I'm looking to write a de-blooming script for PI!!!! Has someone already done this? I done want to reinvent the wheel if a perfectly good one is already available?
Nobody has written a working deblooming tool as far as I can tell. So it would be very welcome
Welcome to PixInsight development!