Hi Juan, this isn't really a 'bug' in as much as it is a 'wish' . . .
Now that I am 'floating' off key process windows (such as Statistics, Histo and STF to my RHS auxilliary screen, and the console window off to my LHS auxilliary screen) it is somewhat 'strange' to change workspaces only to find that none of the process windows are visible any more.
Sure, if you return to the original workspace, they are all where you left them - so that isn't a problem.
It is just annoying to have to, for example, re-open STF each time you select a new Workspace.
My current 'workaround' is to 'send' the entire contents of the workspace I have been working on, 'to' the next available free Workspace - keeping Workspace 01 for my 'work in progress' (my current PI environment has WS01 = 'live', WS02 = 'Lu', WS03 = 'Rd', WS04 = 'Gn', WS05 = 'Bu', etc. - you see my methodology)
Also, I now have to keep a 'second' instance of PI permanently 'open' - as this remains the ONLY way available to me for opening 32-bit Float FITS, for conversion to 16-bit Unsigned Integer (the 'wireless keyboard' bug, as you have described it, remains - yet I still cannot see how this is a bug 'outwith' the PI code system)
Can you remind us of what data or objects are 'interchangable' between instances of PI? I thought that I remembered you saying that multiple instances of PI would all be fully aware of their brethren, suggesting that inter-instance drag-and-drop might even be a possibility?