Author Topic: CCD group follow up  (Read 3893 times)

Offline dhalliday

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CCD group follow up
« on: 2010 March 26 05:50:17 »
I don't know if there is a need to "restart" a thread here.
I certainly wouldn't mind the closing off,sealing,and preferably the burying of its predecessor. >:D

It seems there is some good discussion of PI going on in that (CCD) group.
I think this can only be "good for PI"...but maybe its not the best place for it...

Personally,I suggest sitting back and seeing what Ron thinks,when he gets a "tour",next month,with someone who knows the software...And I am glad to see other well respected imagers interested.
For myself,despite coming out of this smelling like a junkyard dog...I am glad there was a small thaw in the "Cold War"..
As far as the need for more documentation;
I am just going to go on record as saying,that for me,just beefing up the "hints/tips" (mouseovers) would be a good start...
I am sure that anyone who "works the program".....
(as we all have done) can learn this software fairly easily...
By that I mean watching the video's,reading the forums,etc.

That's it for me.


Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

Offline Niall Saunders

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Re: CCD group follow up
« Reply #1 on: 2010 March 26 11:05:19 »
Hi Dave,

I certainly don't think anyone should be worried about 'hot topics' - the whole episode is just 'heated debate', and that debate, ultimately, can only be 'good' for PixInsight. Even if it means that, ultimately, the onward development of PixInsight ceases (temporarily) to allow time for the (essential) documentation to catch up.

I only wish I was five years older, or PI was five years younger (in fact, no, scratch that idea :footinmouth:) - then I would be retired and could dedicate ALL my time to PI, and the development of serious, dedicated support.

And I reckon Juan probably feels the same ::)

As is the nature of the beast, things will settle down for a few weeks or months, and then they will all flare up again - perhaps next time we WILL all be one step forward.

Niall Saunders
Clinterty Observatories
Aberdeen, UK

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