I want to combine three calibrated images of different exposures of M42 that were created from stacks from a DLSR.
The default HDR was ok, but i am not completely happy with the resutls. For one, the bright stars in some regions look like doughnuts as i can see three different sized disks stacked onto one another. Its not obvious with the linear combination, but when i stretch it, the problem shows up.
I would therefore like a little help with some of the parms for the HDR script:
1) I am not really sure what is meant by the highlight and lowlight parms? Since i have three images, what should i be looking at in the images to select parms other than the default. I know what regions of each image i what to include. (It's M42 so you your guess would be correct
2) The input files are too red so there is a huge descrepency between R and GB values for the pixels in the regions i want to include. So i am not sure how the highlight and lowlight will deal with this.
3) Since the main problem is the layered stars, will increasing the mask smoothness work, or do i need to also increase mask growth.