Hi there. Quite a nice piece of software, its only drawback being the license :^P.
Here's a list of things, in no particular order, that I took note of, for possible implementation in the program. I'm talking PI Standard here.
Assign mask to image via DnDIt could be made easier if the simple drag and drop of a view selector (the one corresponding to the whole image) to another image would apply the dragged image to the destination one as a mask. Currently, dragging a selector anywhere except its own tray makes a duplicate of the image.
"Set icon identifier", "Set image identifier"Currently, when this options are selected, a dialog with two text boxes appears. Usually, the user is going to replace the content of the "New identifier" text box, and it would be easier if the text were already selected, so the simple press of any key would replace it.
This would be even more useful if this automatic selection was performed only if the text begins with "Image" or "Process", because if this is not the case, it means that the user has previously assigned an ID and (s)he just wants to modify it.
More flexible toolbar managementWhen moving toolbars around, they tend to collapse instead of the more useful behavior that would be swap places. The easiest way to see this is by trying to move a toolbar between two ones. Moreover, toolbars cannot be placed in the center toolbar space (or anywhere else). They can't float, too. If this is difficult to implement, a first approach could be a double click in the "handle" of each collapsed toolbar, that would expand it.
Compressed files support (zip, rar, gzip, bzip2, stuffit...)
Not much left to say :^). The code could be in separate modules, just like the ones that implement processes.
Logarithmic scale in histograms and curvesThis has been mentioned (and answered!) here in the past but I felt like repeating it again
Process identifiers internally prefixed with process typeI've found myself trying to set the same identifier to several different process icons, with the idea that PixInsight should realize that processes are different and thus it should let me do that. The documentation explains why this is not possible so I ended up with two icons called "H_luma" and "USM_luma". But I think the information provided by the prefixes "H_" and "USM_" is already contained in the little image that appears in the process icon, and PixInsight knows it, so it could be a good idea to add this prefix internally. This way, the requisite that all identifiers must be unique could be relaxed a bit.
I bear in mind that this couldn't be feasible because it could potentially conflict with some primary design decision of PixInsight.
MultithreadI don't know if PixInsight is a multithreaded application. Machines with more than one processor (not mine!) would obviously benefit from this.
Don't "Zoom to fit" when cascading windowsPersonally I don't like that the "Cascade windows" option in the "Window" menu performs a "Zoom to fit" on each window. I'd like it to respect my zoom setting for each one.
Zoom in histogram and curvesIncreasing the zoom (without the keyboard shortcuts) implies a movement towards the top-left corner, i.e. the program doesn't keep track of what zone of the histogram is being shown, and so it doesn't zoom there. This could be seen as a secondary suggestion if everybody used the keyboard shortcuts, but I think many people won't (not everybody reads the documentation :^)).
Another thing is that scroll bars are visible only when it makes sense (when zoom > 1). This can also be a cause of view area change, albeit an small one, by performing this steps:
- Set horizontal zoom to 1 and vertical to 2
- Go to the bottom of the histogram
- Set horizontal zoom to 2, then back to 1 again
Oops, we're no longer at the bottom! I'd like that scrollbars were always visible so the view was never altered.
And that's all folks :^P.