I tried to create a star field with the star generator, and I basically canceled the process after 2 days of runtime. Apparently, there is some issue in the algorithm that lets runtimes explode. Experiments were performed on a 3 GB Vista system with the latest PI version. The task manager never went beyond 1.5GBytes of used RAM, so memory shortage is not an issue here. I experimented with different sensor width/heights, and expected runtimes linear in the number of pixels (basically increasing by 4x in the table below). Here is what I found:
sensor width | sensor height | elapsed runtime (sec) |
500 | 256 | 23 |
1000 | 500 | 183 |
2000 | 1000 | 2692 |
4000 | 2000 | did not terminate within 2 days |
It appears that progress becomes slower and slower over time. Rebooting Vista or restarting PI does not help.
Used Star Mask Settings:
Catalog: PPMX.bin
Right Ascention: 19 7 59
Declination: 1 21 55
Epoch: 2000 1 1
Focal Length: 25
Pixel Size: 5.6
Limit Mag.: 12
Star FWHM: 10
NonLinear: Checked
Nonlinear Target 0.05
Attached below is the log from the command line
Initializing PixInsight...
PixInsight Core (x86)
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Pleiades Astrophoto
Welcome to PixInsight. Started 2009 Dez 24 12:06:41 J2455190.00465 UTC
* Parallel processing enabled: Using 2 logical processors.
* PSM AutoSave enabled. Auto-save period: 30 seconds.
StarGenerator: Global context
Mercator Cylindrical Projection
Projection center ....... ?=286.99583 ?=+1.36528
Field of view ........... H=6.41043 V=3.28467
Right ascension range ... ?E=283.78570 ?W=290.20597
Declination range ....... ?S=-0.27818 ?N=+3.00761
Searching stars...
19873 stars found
Star FWHM: 10.00 arcsec, 0.216 px
Rendering stars: 100%
10237 stars in projection
23.384 s
StarGenerator: Global context
Mercator Cylindrical Projection
Projection center ....... ?=286.99583 ?=+1.36528
Field of view ........... H=12.78099 V=6.41043
Right ascension range ... ?E=280.57595 ?W=293.41572
Declination range ....... ?S=-1.84422 ?N=+4.57049
Searching stars...
43738 stars found
Star FWHM: 10.00 arcsec, 0.216 px
Rendering stars: 100%
37191 stars in projection
183.394 s
StarGenerator: Global context
Mercator Cylindrical Projection
Projection center ....... ?=286.99583 ?=+1.36528
Field of view ........... H=25.25167 V=12.78099
Right ascension range ... ?E=274.16751 ?W=299.82415
Declination range ....... ?S=-5.04223 ?N=+7.75577
Searching stars...
142370 stars found
Star FWHM: 10.00 arcsec, 0.217 px
Rendering stars: 100%
128157 stars in projection
2697.362 s