Hi All,
I recently purchased PI and am in the process of climbing the learning curve. The tutorials and discussions available on this forum have been very helpful and appreciated. A special thanks to Harry, Craig and Juan for the great video tutorials. Keep them coming.
While new to PI, I am not new to astro-photo processing. Primarily, I have been using CCDStack and Photoshop CS4. Also using Mira for image registration and Noise Ninja for noise reduction. So far I'm very impressed with PI and am looking at how to incorporate many of PI's powerful processing routines into my workflow. I am aware of the general workflow that many of you recommend: STF>DBE>Color Calibration>....etc. My question is how to best process to provide sharpness, detail and contrast to the final LRGB image. Currently, I process the master Luminance image to provide these characteristics using a combination of things like deconvolution in CCDStack and sharpening and high pass filter effects in PS. This sharpened Lum image is then combined/blended with the RGB in PS to create the final image with sharpening and better resolved features provided by the Lum component.
I'm not clear how to best accomplish this in PI. Which process or processes should be used and in what order, and what image are they best applied to? Will HDRWaveletTransform do all of these things? Do you ever use ATrousWavelets, deconvolution, or unsharp mask or are these effects pretty much covered with HDRWaveletTransform? Do you recommend applying these processes to the Luminance image which is them combined with the RGB or should they be applied to the LRGB or RGB image instead?
Just looking for some general guidelines. Thanks,