The files calibrated fine, and the image visually looks like it is all aligned.
I disagree, the files didn't calibrate fine. The calibrated files contain a bunch of hot pixels. This strongly disturbs the StarAlignment process, and this is subsequently causing the trouble with ImageIntegration.
One possibility is that the used MasterDark is either too old or doesn't match the light frames (temperature, exposure time, if applicable gain and offset). In this case you would need to capture new dark frames and make a new MasterDark. However, since you didn't provide a single dark frame I cannot judge whether the conditions for the capturing of light and dark frames match.
If this is not the cause of the trouble, you will have to apply CosmeticCorrection after ImageCalibration. I tried this on your data and it succeeded without any problem. In CosmeticCorrection, I enabled 'Use Master Dark' and in the section 'Hot Pixel Threshold' checked 'Enable' with a Sigma of 3.0. This setting (which is not optimized, it was just a shot in the dark!) nicly removed the remaining hot pixels. Subsequently, StarAlignment and ImageIntegration worked flawlessly on the calibrated and cosmetic corrected light frames.
One comment on your settings for ImageCalibration when calibrating the light frames. You don't use dark frame optimization. Nonetheless you are using these settings:
Section 'Master Bias': enabled, "superbias5.xisf", option 'Calibrate' enabled
Section 'Master Dark': enabled, "Master_Dark_600s.xisf", option 'Calibrate' enabled, option 'Optimize' disabled
Section 'Master Flat': enabled, "flat-FILTER_Ha-BINNING_1.xisf", option 'Calibrate' disabledThese settings effect that the superbias is subtracted from both the MasterDark and the light frame, then the resulting calibrated MasterDark is subtracted from the calibrated light frame. So the use of a MasterBias (or superbias) is completely unnecessary in this case. The same would be effected with these settings:
Section 'Master Bias': disabled
Section 'Master Dark': enabled, "Master_Dark_600s.xisf", both options 'Calibrate' and 'Optimize' disabled
Section 'Master Flat': enabled, "flat-FILTER_Ha-BINNING_1.xisf", option 'Calibrate' disabledSo you don't need a MasterBias (or superbias) for the light frame calibration at all. Of course, a MasterBias (or a MasterFlatDark) is needed for the calibration of the flat frames though.
I hope this helps.