Hi Philippe
Sorry, I have not noticed your reply

The current status of the algorithm is this:
- There is a TGV denoise process module in Juan's hands, with a few problems in the code, and waiting for a major optimization. Once this is done, I'll start implementing deconvolution based TGV.
- I wrote a Matlab toolkit that implements a basic TGV regularization for denoising, deconvolution and compressed sensing problems (the later for Magnetic Resonance Imaging). It is not publicy avalaible, but I may share it for development purposes.
- There is also Matlab code for a spatially dependent TGV implementation. Not as nicely packed as the previous one, but it works.
- I'm implementing the SATGV algorithm in Matlab... it is a spatially dependent variation that automatically updates the data fidelity term, using a multiscale scheme. I still lack one fundamental piece of information there, and there are some bugs in the code... but this should be ready in the short term.
So, as soon as Juan finishes the 1.8 core application, and turn into the processing modules, we'll reactivate this project. I have a lot of code to translate, and new things to try.