Author Topic: Batch Preprocessing “lights” Unable to find valid set of star matches”  (Read 3331 times)

Offline scadvice

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Processed maybe 20 plus sessions and usually find most (of my) errors but can't seem to solve this one. Batch PP solves Darks, Bias, and Flats. Creates masters for them but when it gets to the light frames I get Error: RANSAC Unable to find a valid set of star matches.

I check each light image visually, all are CR2 frames and everything looks normal but I must be missing something in setting up the Batch PP. The image is a basic one M45.

I couldn't find a way to send a the Process Log. I'm guessing there is a method I'll find later.

Some help would sure be appreciated. - Steve

Offline pfile

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check your c_d files to see if they look OK, meaning if the calibration was correct. the original CR2s might be fine but the calibrated files (which is what star alignment operates on) might be bad.

also if the stars are very soft and or elongated, staralignment may not be able to identify enough stars to make any matches.


Offline scadvice

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Yep, They are only c_d files. I ran them through blink and they all look good. They are not soft or elongated.

Still trying learn the function details. Just rooky but usually I've been getting getting good results. So... at this point it looks like I need to do the rest of the processing 'by hand' i.e. Debayer,Star Align and Intergrate...ect.

Interesting, never had a problem before...Thanks for the help!

Offline pfile

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if you want to upload a few of your c_d files to dropbox or google drive or something then someone can take a look and see how StarAlignment needs to be tuned.


Offline scadvice

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Thanks...I was able to work it out. I'll run it a few more times to see if I'm right by trying to make it fail again.