If I run Batch Preprocessing or Weighted Batch Preprocessing with different exposure times (120, 480, and 1800 sec for later HDR), I can only select one Cosmetic Correction instance, which I typically create from a master dark, adding a Defect List for bad columns in my KAF-8300 sensor.
I add master darks of 480 and 1800 sec and I choose Optimize dark frames, and I assume BPP and WBPP will scale the 480 sec dark for the 120 sec, and use 480 for 480, 1800 for 1800.
But I don't know if I can use CosCorr based on a single dark exp time for lights of different exposures.
Is there a way around this, or should I just batch process the different times separately (with the same registration reference, but different CosCorr instances)?
To make matters worse, the camera was rotated 180 deg after meridian flip, so I have both E and W lights and flats, so I need to batch process east and west separately.

BTW, I know that there's no reason to rotate, but there's a glitch in my automation software that rotates even if I tell it not to!

(CCDAutoPilot, TheSkyX, and MoonLite NiteCrawler.) In the future I will just disconnect the rotator after framing my target.