Hi Dale,
thank you for your contribution, as well as I thank Juan for patience and Alphascorpi which I hope with my contribution to help.
I apologize for not having responded immediately, but it has been a rather busy period of work and only yesterday I managed to devote myself to the problem.
Reading your post Dale I went to a lab yesterday and installed the GTX 1650 graphics card. Unfortunately the result has not changed. PI crashes. Then we tried with 2 other graphics cards ... but nothing to do, PI crashes.
The lab technician tells me that he thinks it's not a graphics card problem, but it's more likely a problem related to hard disk performance.
He proposes to change the disk to go on ssd technology, unfortunately not now, I have no time, I agree with him but I refer to the operation in January.
I come home very sad, I haven't solved the problem and I still don't know if the proposed solution will solve it.
thinks he thinks about it ... in xp I remember you were going to touch the paging file to help the system.
I look for and find the parameter set to automatic management with the size set exactly equal to the size of the ram. 16 GB. 32gb septum manual management just to try and
..... magic .... problem solved !!!
ED (alphascorpi) I hope my contribution can help you.
A greeting to all and the wish for peaceful holidays