Author Topic: still confused by the calibrate with flat darks only tick box in BPP  (Read 597 times)

Offline greendaleobs

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so I am still confused when using BPP and flat darks and that tick box!

so is BPP expecting you to use a pre integrated masterflatdark and master dark or you can load in the flatdarks (say 2 sec exp), flats (2 sec exp) - full length darks (300s) and lights (300s)?

There isnt much about this process that I have found that describes what that tick box expects!

 I have integrated my flat darks outside of BPP but interested in the approach to how this calibration can be used to inc flat darks and full length darks using flat darks tick box

Anyone care to describe how this actually works!



Offline BillM

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  • Posts: 14
Does anyone have an answer to this?
I have been using FlatDarks that are the same length as my Flats and all seems to calibrate fine without checking this box.
So, what exactly happens if you do check this box?