Out of about 120 images I captured the other night, for some reason my green subs all give me this error message when I try to open them. I will say that I had to stop my image capture because I was running out of space on my SD card. I made some room on the card and resumed. I thought everything was ok, but I get this error on all the files then I try to open them. Any ideas?
*** Error: PCL Legacy FITS Format Support: Unable to open FITS file: /Volumes/ASTR WIN/Pictures/Astronomy/Lights/Pleiades/Pleiades_15sec_1x1_2019-11-22_frame4__G.fit
CFITSIO error message stack:
01 : ffopen could not interpret primary array header of file:
02 : /Volumes/ASTR WIN/Pictures/Astronomy/Lights/Pleiades/Pleiades_15sec_1x1_2019-11-
03 : 22_frame4__G.fit
*** Unable to open file: /Volumes/ASTR WIN/Pictures/Astronomy/Lights/Pleiades/Pleiades_15sec_1x1_2019-11-22_frame4__G.fit