Here's another piece of data. I've done three tests, with the same ten light frames, bias frames and dark frames.
If I run through a manual calibration/debayering/registration/integration process, I get a proper colored image (which I then run through ABE to sort out the colors). The histogram of the final version shows three peaks (R, G, B) exactly on top of each other but of differing heights. I think that's what you'd expect, and the image looks fine.
If I run either BPP or WBPP on these same sets of files, followed by ABE, the histograms overlap exactly - same location and same height (before ABE, they're all the same height, but the red and blue histograms overlap and the green one is shifted, as we've said before). That accounts for the "gray" look of the final images. It looks as though the three histograms have been normalized in some way. Is that an artifact of the scripts, or am I missing a setting somewhere?
With regard to the original question, I've also observed that the call to "ConvertToGrayscale" in WBPP occurs during a section titled "Generation of Image Descriptors," which occurs after the debayering section. I don't see it in the Process Console when BPP is run.
Thanks and regards,
Bill Arden