Author Topic: Star Alignment issue?  (Read 780 times)

Offline pwatson

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Star Alignment issue?
« on: 2019 November 17 17:10:26 »
I recently imaged the Heart Nebula.  Seeing conditions weren't the best and I am in a Bortle 5 area. I took 40 - 3 min images in Ha. Polar alignment was good and guiding was good. I feel my subs turned out pretty decent. I used the subframe selector and blink to discard any unwanted subs so I ended up with 37 subs that I used for processing. I'm trying to figure out what happened in my processing to make my stars look out of shape; elongated or not quite aligned.

Below is a link to a folder that has my integrated Ha and OIII files along with an Ha subframe.  The subs were calibrated, cosmetically corrected, registered and then integrated. The subframe in the folder was typical of all of the Ha subframes in regards to star quality.

I've been using PI for a few months so there is certainly a lot I need to learn but this has got me frustrated.  I had similar results when I processed SII and OIII.  However, the stars were more defined and separated and you can clearly see they are not quite aligned if you look at the OIII image.

Can someone give an idea as to what I am doing wrong? Thank you for your help.

Offline pfile

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Re: Star Alignment issue?
« Reply #1 on: 2019 November 17 23:11:17 »
although i can see in the fits header that you did have linear fit rejection turned on, there seems to be some hot/warm pixels still hanging around in the integrated image. from looking at just one sub it's hard to tell what the sum of all your other subs is going to look like... but generally speaking when you have subs with slightly misshapen stars, integrating them with good rejection parameters will tend to fix the star shapes a little bit as long as there's no consistent error in the star shapes in every sub. but in your integrated images the are pretty messy.

also what if you blink all of your registered frames and zoom in on some stars while the animation is running? is everything jumping around or do the images seem well aligned?

i wouldn't say it's common, but if there are a lot of hot pixels in your subs then sometimes StarAlignment will be overwhelmed by those hot pixels and end up registering all of the frames with no offsets, since the hot pixels are always in the same place in each image. the raw sub you posted looks fine, but i wonder what a calibrated sub looks like.


Offline pwatson

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Re: Star Alignment issue?
« Reply #2 on: 2019 November 18 02:43:18 »
Thanks for getting back to me Rob.  I went through and blinked my Ha subs.  There was a small bit of jumping around but not on every frame.  And I believe my imaging was set up to dither every third frame.

Below is a link to my folder.  I added another HA sub along with it's calibrated frame.  Not sure if this will divulge any more information or not.

Thanks again for your help.


Offline pfile

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Re: Star Alignment issue?
« Reply #3 on: 2019 November 18 08:45:11 »
ok if the subs were dithered, i would expect that, but what i was asking about was the registered frames (_c_r.xisf files.)

those should not be jumping around if they were registered correctly.


Offline pwatson

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Re: Star Alignment issue?
« Reply #4 on: 2019 November 18 12:24:21 »
Sorry about that.  I am traveling for a couple of days and won't have access to my files.  I'll get back to you on that.  Thanks again.

Offline pwatson

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Re: Star Alignment issue?
« Reply #5 on: 2019 November 20 17:12:47 »
I checked the registered frames for movement and there was none.  They all seemed to line up very well. After that I thought I would try preprocessing a set of subs in the new WBPP script. For whatever reason it worked fine and the star alignment was good. This prompted me to go through the integration process again using the same registered frames for all three filters that I used previously.  This time I used winsorized sigma clipping instead of linear fit.  Everything worked fine. I don't know enough about the workings of this software to understand if that was the difference or not so I ran it using linear fit again. Everything worked fine using linear ft.
So I guess I really don't know what happened my first run.
I appreciate your input and help in trying to resolve my issue. That's the great thing about this hobby is there is always someone willing to help. Thanks again.

Offline pfile

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Re: Star Alignment issue?
« Reply #6 on: 2019 November 20 18:37:46 »
glad it worked out, hard to say why this happened... hopefully it does not recur!
