Author Topic: 1.8.7 statistics process doesn't update correctly after dynamic crop  (Read 1044 times)

Offline Greg Schwimer

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Running 1.8.7 on both OSX and Linux (mint). I'm seeing that the statistics process misreads an image cropped with dynamic crop. I can reproduce this across my two systems, but not on a 3rd system running previous build 1457 on OSX.

Steps to reproduce:

 - open an image - I'm using a dark sub
 - open statistics, select the check at the lower right - things look OK
 - crop the image - I use dynamic crop, reset the settings, set a width, height of 100,100 and apply with the check
 - statistics show the count of the pixels count unchanged (should be 10000). Pixel % changes to an unlikely number.
 - none of the other statistics change as you might expect
 - open pixelmath, select "create new image", and use $T as the expression to copy the above cropped pixels to a new image
 - statistics for the new image appear to be correct

Closing and re-opening the statistics process does not fix this. Saving the cropped original and re-opening it does.

Anyone else see this?
- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Offline Juan Conejero

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Hi Greg,

Bug confirmed, and fixed. I have just released an update that fixes this bug on all platforms. Thank you for reporting this problem, and sorry for the trouble.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline Greg Schwimer

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Update installed and fix is confirmed. Thanks for the speedy response on this!

- Greg
- Greg
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA