The amp glow is the "starburst" in the upper right corner. By calibration it is obviously removed completely. I doubt that the remaining artifacts in the lower corners are amp glow, this seems to be a different artifact. Very strange that these artifacts only occur at the lower corners -- I haven't seen something like this before.
Darks WILL fix amp glow, Flats have nothing to do with it.
For the calibration of images produced by a camera with CMOS sensor, you will not need bias frames or a MasterBias, unless you use the MasterBias for the calibration of the flat frames in case of no flat-darks are captured. The darks or the MasterDark shall not be calibrated at all. When these suggestions are followed, the settings that the OP used for light frame calibration ("Calibrate and Optimize unchecked in the darks section of the Image Calibration tool in PI") are correct.