Author Topic: subframe_selector deleting my files  (Read 519 times)

Offline ssagerian

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subframe_selector deleting my files
« on: 2019 September 29 19:13:43 »
I was trying to learn how to use subframe_selector.
 In the output window I had the approved action to move the file to the approved folder,
I clicked on the output subframes and it moved the approved files to the approved folder
I then updated the action for the rejected action and clicked on the output subframe button.
 the error box came up because the  approved original files no longer existed in their original location, it asked me if I wanted to proceed and I clicked  yes (or something like that)
because I wanted it to move thur the list and execute the reject actions too, however what happened is that it deleted the files in the approved folder!
Are these files deleted?